RapidQube provides training services for selective educational institutions – both in India and North America – on all emerging technology topics including Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and IoT. We have delivered targeted functional and technical trainings for multiple Fortune 500 corporate customers, premier educational institutions like University of Connecticut, Central Connecticut state university, SSN group of institutions, SRM university and many more.
We are also preferred partners for National Institute of Smart Government (NISG) for delivering trainings related to emerging technologies. We have delivered hundreds of man-hours of training through NISG for Government officials at all levels – from SeMT officers to Joint secretary grade officials across India.
We have delivered targeted functional and technical trainings for multiple Fortune 500 corporate customers, premier educational institutions like University of Connecticut, Central Connecticut state university, SSN group of institutions, SRM university and many more.
Our sessions are very specifically geared for your need and requirement. We understand the audience and deliver accordingly. The entire training sessions are tuned for your organizational needs and are fully customizable.